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FLEVY Toolkit – News

We receive many email inquiries daily asking for document recommendations.  Over time, we noticed common themes in what customers were asking for.  We then began assembling “business toolkits” for each of these business themes or topics (e.g. growth strategy, process improvement, organizational design).  Each toolkit contains the most relevant, recommended documents for the business topic in question.

You can browse all of our toolkits here:
You can also navigate to the Business Toolkits section of Flevy from any page on the site by clicking the “Toolkits” link on the top right.  We have over 250+ toolkits.  A lot of toolkits, yes–but a lot less than our library of thousands of documents.
Once you’re on the Business Toolkits page, there are 2 easy ways to find the toolkit you need.  First, you can use your browser’s native search/find capability.  This is typically CTRL+F or F3 in most browsers.  Just search for a keyword in the topic you’re interested in.  All of our toolkits are listed on the page, alphabetically, with font size indicating its relative popularity.
The second method is to use the autocomplete search box on the Business Toolkits page.  Begin typing the topic you’re interested in and you will see a dropdown list of toolkit names that match your search phrase, organized alphabetically.
If you can’t find what you need, please email us at  As long as we have the documents, we can create a business toolkit for your specific need.
Interested in what initiatives other companies are working on?  Here are our 10 most popular business toolkits:
Business toolkits is one of our ways of trying to organize Flevy’s documents library.  If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please let me know.  Thanks.

David Tang /
Corporate Strategy

Email: / Skype: dtang4

LinkedIn: – Marketplace for Premium Business Documents

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Question Pro

QuestionPro provides unparalleled insights and just launched enterprise features including Communities, Customer ExperienceWorkforce and Mobile.